






1. Liu Y, Gao Y, Wei L, Chen W, Ma X, Song L. Peripherally inserted central catheter thrombosis incidence and risk factors in cancer patients: A double-center prospective investigation [J]. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 2015,11(1):153-160.

2. Liu Y, Zhao Y, Yu A, Zhao B, Gao Y, Niu H. Diagnostic accuracy of the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1/placental growth factor ratio for preeclampsia: A meta-analysis based on 20 studies [J]. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2015,292(3):507-518.

3. Wang Z, Lin Y, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang B, Li C, Yan S, Wang Y, Zhao W. Serum uric acid levels and outcomes after acute ischemic stroke [J]. Molecular neurobiology, 2016 ,53(3):1753-9(共同第一)

4. Gao Y, Liu Y, Ma X, Wei L, Chen W, Song L. The incidence and risk factors of peripherally inserted central catheter related infection among cancer patients. Therapeutics and clinical risk management. 2015,11(3):863-871.(共同第一)

5. Gao Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Fang F, Song L. The safety and accuracy of ECG-guided PICC tip positon verification applied in patients with atrial fibrillation. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management.2018, 14:1075-1081(共同第一)

6. Fang S, Yang J, Song L, Jiang Y, Liu Y. Comparison of three types of central venous catheters in patients with malignant tumor receiving chemotherapy. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2017,11:1197-1204(通讯作者)

7. Li Y, Wang P, Li L, Wang F, Liu Y. Increased risk of venous thromboembolism associated with polymyositis and dermatomyositis: a meta-analysis. Therapeutics and clinical risk management.2018,1:157-165(通讯作者)

8. Liu Y, Yang J, Huo D, Fan H, Gao Y. Disclosure of cancer diagnosis in China: the incidence, patients' situation, and different preferences between patients and their family members and related influence factors. Cancer Manag Res. 2018, 10: 2173-2181.

9. Liu Y, Yang J, Song L, Yang X, Yin Y, Yan L. Nurses' experiences and attitudes toward diagnosis disclosure for cancer patients in China: A qualitative study. Psychooncology. 2019;28(12):2415–2421. doi:10.1002/pon.5273


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71804129,医养结合背景下养老护理分级系统的构建与管理策略研究——以山东省为例,2019/01-2021/1219.5万元,在研,主持

2. 潍坊市科学技术发展计划软科学项目,2018RKX016,潍坊地区养老护理分级现状调查及分级策略研究,2019/01-2021/121万元,在研,主持

3. 山东省教育科学规划课题,YB15081“3+2”对口贯通护理本科应用型人才培养模式研究——职业岗位需求视角下,2015/12-2017/122万元,已结题,参加

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